For each pair of ranges, check if one fully contains the other.
Check if the starting and ending values of one range fall within the starting and ending values of the other range.
Keep a count of the number of pairs where one range fully contains the other.
Return the count as the solution to the problem.
Create an empty list pairs to store the pairs of ranges.
For each pair of ranges in the input, create a tuple containing the starting and ending values of the range, and append it to the pairs list.
Create a variable count initialized to 0.
For each pair of ranges in pairs, do the following:
Check if the starting and ending values of one range fall within the starting and ending values of the other range.
If so, increment count by 1.
Return count as the solution to the problem.
For each pair of ranges, check if the ranges overlap at all.
Check if the starting and ending values of one range fall within the starting and ending values of the other range, or if the starting value of one range is less than or equal to the ending value of the other range.
If either of these conditions is true, then the ranges overlap and you can increment the count by 1. The rest of the steps are the same as in the solution to the first part of the problem.