Iterate over each row and column in the grid. For each iteration, find the tallest tree in the row or column.
Check if the tallest tree is visible by comparing its height to the other trees in its row or column.
If the tallest tree is visible, increment a counter.
After all rows and columns have been considered, the final count of visible trees is the answer to the problem.
Parse the input to create a two-dimensional grid of tree heights, where each element grid[i][j] represents the height of the tree at row i and column j.
Initialize a counter visible_trees to 0. Then, iterate over each row and column in the grid. For each iteration, find the tallest tree in the row or column by comparing the heights of all trees in that row or column. Let tallest be the height of the tallest tree.
Check if the tallest tree is visible by comparing its height to the other trees in its row or column. If all other trees in the row or column are shorter than the tallest tree, then the tallest tree is visible and visible_trees should be incremented.
In addition to the steps from the previous problem, also keep track of the maximum viewing distance in each direction for each tree.
When calculating the scenic score for a tree, multiply together the maximum viewing distances in each of the four directions.
Update the maximum scenic score if the scenic score for the current tree is higher.
When all trees have been processed, the maximum scenic score will be the highest possible score for any tree.